is raw food diet good for dogs with kidney disease
Raw Diet for Dogs With Kidney Disease
Getting the news that your dog has kidney disease can be shocking and frightening. After all, most kidney diseases in dogs are chronic and cannot be cured. However, there is no need to panic. While it depends on the progression of the disease, most dogs can still live a long and healthy life after being diagnosed. One of the most important components of treating a dog with kidney disease is monitoring their diet.
What to feed a dog with kidney disease?
When it comes to the diet of a dog with kidney disease, the most important element is avoiding certain nutrients and minerals. Below is a list of what you should not feed your dog with kidney disease:
Wheat: This can be very hard and painful for a dog to digest if they have kidney disease.
Phosphorus: It is very important that you avoid foods that are high in phosphorus. This is because a dog with kidney disease must not have a lot of phosphorus in their blood, as this can damage the dogs kidney.
Sodium: Dogs with kidney disease have a very hard time staying hydrated. A diet with a lot of sodium makes it even harder for the dog to stay hydrated.If your dog consumes too much sodium, it can raise their blood pressure and make it even harder for the kidney to function.
Protein: While dogs still need protein in their diet, you should not feed them anything that has a protein content greater than 20%.
Soy: It is also very difficult for a dog with kidney disease to absorb food that is high in soy.
Now you are probably wondering what you should feed your dog. Read below for the best food to feed your dog with kidney disease.
Omega-3 fatty acids: This is a great supplement to feed your dog. It reduces the hypertension in the kidney, and also decreases inflammation.
Food with high water content: It is very beneficial to feed your dog a diet that has a water content. This is because water helps your dogs kidney remove waste from the blood.
Raw food: Yep, raw food is a great option for dogs with kidney disease.
Raw diet for dogs with kidney disease
A raw diet for dogs with kidney disease is very beneficial because raw food typically has high quality protein. High quality protein can help your dogs kidney filter out toxins that are in their body. If you want to give your dog a raw diet in the form of meat, I recommend chicken or turkey. This is because bost of these meats are a lot easier to digest.
It has also been proven that eggs are a great option for dogs with kidney disease. Studies have shown that eggs promote hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
Other Options
Below are some good choices of dog food you can feed your dog with kidney disease. All of them can be bought through Amazon.
Hills Kidney Care Formula
This is probably the best option in terms of food for a dog with kidney disease. It has very low phosphorous and sodium content. It also contains chondroitin sulfate and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which help your dogs kidney function.
As our canine companions undergo the natural aging process, we,the dog owners, become worried about unexpected health problems that can putour canine friends life in jeopardy. Since tracing visible and invisiblehealth issue symptoms requires time and research, dog owners must be ready todiscover these symptoms and provide a strong response against them. While dogowners could deem this work as burdensome, nevertheless, it is essential foryour canine friends health and peace of mind.
Here at Volhard Dog Nutrition, our missionis to provide dog owners with all the information and tools necessary to ensurea healthy, peaceful life for their canine friends. With our superior,consistent Fresh, Natural diet using rawprotein dogs can fight against diseases brought by age and enjoy everysingle day together with their owners.
Kidney Disease and Aging Dogs
Some of the most common health problems foraging dogs are related to their kidneys. In our current world, it is estimatedthat 1 in 10 dogs will suffer from one or several forms of kidney diseases overa lifetime, which is why we think dog owners must educate themselves on thissubject.
The kidneys are your dogs naturalmechanism involved in purifying blood cells and flushing out toxins into theurine. Additionally, the kidneys play a significant role in regulating bloodpressure, red blood cells, and the acid level in your dogs body.
What Happens When Dog Kidneys Are NotFunctioning Properly
Kidney diseases develop when damage occursto the kidneys, resulting in their inability to filter blood correctly. As yourkidneys ability to filter the blood decreases, your dogs body accumulatesthese toxins, leading to more health problems, including kidney failure.
Unfortunately, unlike the liver, kidneyscannot rejuvenate, which means dog owners must discover any signs of developingkidney problems and take action before the condition could worsen.
What are The Causes of Kidney Disease in Dogs?
Since it is a common problem for dogs toexperience nowadays, chronic kidney disease can be caused by a myriad of bothexternal (kidney trauma, stress) and internal factors (high blood pressure,genetic problems, infections). Apart from these factors, several diseases, suchas cancer, can contribute to the development of kidney problems inside a dogsbody. The International Renal Interest Society (IRIS), a group of specialists who dedicate their time andresources toward a better understanding of kidney diseases in dogs, has puttogether a comprehensive list of factors for dog owners to observe.
Most of the factors which increase thechances of kidney disease are connected to the dogs lifestyle. For example,air pollution and poor quality processed foods, although not on the spot, canbecome problematic for the dogs health over time. Dog owners must understandthat a happy dog, living in a low-stress environment full of fresh air, is ahealthy dog.
Symptoms of Kidney Disease in Dogs to Look for
The earliest signs of kidney disease in dogs tolook out for are related to the dogs water intake and urinating. If you notesome changes in your dogs water intake and urine production, make sure thatyou take it to a veterinarian, who can ascertain whether a chronic kidneydisease might be developing in your canine friends body. Dogs tend to besensitive to changes to mild levels of toxins accumulating in their bodies,which is why we recommend that your canine companion see a veterinarian fromthe start.
There are several other symptoms whichcould point toward a developing chronic kidney disease (a more elaborate listof symptoms can be consulted here):
- Dehydration
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Reduced appetite
- Urine leakage
- Weight loss
Raw Diet for Dogs with Kidney Disease
As a dog owner, your mission is not to improveyour dogs lifestyle when it is diagnosed with kidney disease, but to work onpreventing it from ever developing inside your canine friends body. Here atVolhard Dog Nutrition, the core of our mission is coming up with a fresh,natural diet for your dog using raw protein, rich with all the nutrientsessential for a long, peaceful life. Based on our mission, weve come up with adiet best suited to help treat and prevent kidney disease! Lets discuss themain components of this diet.
When it comes to kidney disease, ahydrated, fresh Natural diet rich with high-quality raw protein is the mostsuitable answer. First of all, make sure that your dogs nutrition planincludes proteins that can be easily absorbed and higher in fat, such as rawmeats, or eggs, while staying away from protein sources, which your dog cannotdigest at all, such as soy. Although soy has no nutritional value for your dog,most of the dog food manufacturers include soy into the dog food as aninexpensive way to replace high-quality protein.
First up is to eliminate anything that causes an immune reactionas the debris from these reactions to clog the kidney highways. This is themost overlooked step in dogs with kidney disease (after foul teeth).
We need to remove any of these from the dog's menu:
Wheat gluten (dry foods, store-bought dog treats, bread, pasta,dental bone type gunk)
Pet store treats including dental sticks, rawhide chews etc.
Needless chemicals including chemical flea and worm treatments,kennel cough treatments, annual boosters for dogs already adequately vaccinatedfor viruses, etc
Dogs with CKF (Chronic Kidney Failure) cannot conserve water byconcentrating their urine, therefore, their water intake is critical to preventdehydration. A diet with high moisture content like Volhard diets are necessaryfor hydration. The nutrient profiles of kidney-friendly dog foods are differentfrom adult maintenance dog foods in other ways; in addition to phosphorus,protein, sodium, and omega-3 fatty acids.
The Volhard AM/PM diet is a separation diet and is the easiest todigest and is low in phosphorus and sodium. The benefit of the AM/PM diet isthat it is very kind to healing or sick dogs and the digestibility is veryhigh. The AM/PM diet allows the dog's body to focus digestion on types of foodseparately allowing the body to produce the enzymes needed and breakdown thecarbohydrates in the diet at a separate time from the protein. Protein isdigested at a much slower rate and when fed together, the fruits and vegetableswill push the protein through the GI tract much quicker than the nutritioncan be absorbed. Feeding fruits and vegetables separately in the day allowsthem to have a chance to be well on their way out of the body before you introducethe protein for the day.
As you can imagine, nutrition plays an important role in managingCKD in dogs. There are four core goals for managing CKD in dogs:
Control the clinical signs associated with accumulating wasteproducts in the blood.
Minimize problems with fluid and mineral balance.
Sustain adequate nutrition.
Modify/slow the progression of CKD.
Lastly, for a superior diet, dogs must bekept away from foods rich with phosphorus.Unfortunately, most of the processed foods found in pet stores have a highconcentration of phosphorus, which is why a hydrated, fresh, Natural diet, lowin phosphorus, is the ideal choice for your canine companion. Volhard has akidney cleanse diet that you can use to create health in the kidneys. Want totry it?
With the help of our Natural food diet, dogowners will spend less time worrying about kidney diseases and more timeplaying with their favorite canine companions. Are you ready to learn moreabout our mission? Check out our blogfor more valuable information and resources!
How to Feed Dogs With Kidney Disease
How to feed dogs with kidney disease? What should they avoid?
One of the more common serious health problems for dogs is kidney disease, which affects more pets than people realize.
According to WebMD, dogs may experience either acute or chronic kidney issues.
While chronic kidney failure develops slowly over time, acute kidney failure occurs suddenly over a few days.
The most frequent cause of acute renal issues in dogs is toxin ingestion.
It might be a chemical, such as antifreeze, cleaning supplies, or contaminated food.
Older dogs are more likely to develop chronic renal disease, and because it usually manifests slowly, it can be challenging to identify the specific cause.
A proper dog kidney disease diet will be one of the crucial treatments to get your pooch on the path toward recovery.
What is Kidney Disease?
Kidneys are organs with the basic function of eliminating waste and toxins from the dog's body.
Any health issue that affects this process can be classified as kidney disease.
It can be referred to as kidney failure in dogs, renal failure, renal disease, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and similar.
Many things can cause kidney disease in dogs, including birth defects, poor diet, high blood pressure, bacterial infections, and diseases associated with the canine's immune system (Ettinger, Feldman; 2010).
Symptoms of kidney disease include drinking more, frequent urination, weight loss, vomiting, and decreased appetite.
If you suspect that your dog is suffering from a kidney-related problem, take him to your vet to get the right diagnosis.
This article will not explain kidney disease.
To learn more, read other vet's science-based guides on Kidney Failure in Dogs for symptoms, diagnosis, treatments (including at-home remedies), and more.
Instead, I will walk you through the most crucial part of dealing with this problem.
Proper dog kidney disease diet, what it entails, and how to feed dogs with kidney disease, including a homemade kidney diet for dogs.
How to Feed Dogs With Kidney Disease
The two are closely related (Polzin et al. 2013); therefore, a dog kidney disease diet is a big part of essential treatment that's often required for any canine with kidney problems to get better.
Remember that it's very important for you to discuss this with your vet.
Listen to the vet's advice because every pet is different, and not every homemade kidney diet for dogs will work for your pooch.
Dietary Guidelines for Dogs with Kidney Disease
There is a very specific evidence-based set of guidelines and dietary plansdeveloped by vets that need to be followed to treat dogs with kidney disease.
While you can follow the below guidelines to understand the concept of a dog kidney disease diet, make sure to go over this dietary plan with your vet.
I will also make it easy for you to understand.
We cannot advise here the exact amount of food needed for your specific dog, but your vet can help you determine the best portion sizes daily.
The vet can also help you choose the kidney-friendly dog food brand or go over this homemade kidney diet for dogs if cooking yourself to see if it's the right and safe fit for your Fido.
The current scientific and veterinary consensus on the treatment diet for dogs with kidney disease is as follows (Jacob et al. 2002):
Reduce phosphorus
Phosphorus is one of the most common minerals in the dog's body, and it's essential to many health functions.
However, it can also stress the dog's kidneys, and when dealing with chronic renal failure, the stress needs to be reduced.
Less protein
Based on the above, reducing the amount of protein intake will subsequently reduce the amount of phosphorus in the dog's body.
Less salt
Sodium (salt), similar to phosphorus, will put extra pressure on kidneys by forcing them to work more.
Therefore, including less salt in your dog's diet will relieve some of the work from his kidneys.
Include omega-3s
Studies have shown that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids can help the function of kidneys and assist with dog kidney disease in general.
This includes feeding foods higher in omega-3 fatty acids or using fish oil dog supplements.
A regular dosage can be used as indicated on the supplement.
Calcitriol supplementation
This will likely be administered by your vet if needed.
The calcitriol is specifically used for patients with kidney problems, both humans and dogs.
Your veterinarian will recommend how to use this supplement, if at all.
Furthermore, dogs with kidney disease should stay in shape, and you must relieve stress from digesting food and processing liquids.
The best thing to do is lower the amount of food in a single portion and increase the number of meals per day (4-5 times a day).
That will make digestion easier and faster for a dog with kidney disease.
Most dog foods for kidney disease are developed with the above science-based instructions in mind.
They will be low in protein, low in phosphorus, and low in salt and include different supplements and ingredients shown to alleviate the stress on the kidneys.
However, commercial food isn't essential if you know how to make a dog kidney disease diet yourself, following the vet's guidelines (as outlined in this TVP article).
Healthy water intake should be encouraged. Thus, water needs to be accessible to your Fido at all times.
Use purified or distilled water because tap or well water can sometimes be high in added minerals that are bad for dogs with kidney disease.
You can also use bottled water, but keep in mind that it is extremely important that your dog is hydrated at all times.
Dehydration will further complicate the kidney disease problem.
Important Nutrients
Debate is still on when it comes to the amount of protein that dogs with kidney disease should have (Foley, 2008).
Today, most vets generally agree that an extremely low-protein diet is unnecessary unless your canine is uremic, but they would often recommend slightly lowering the protein intake anyway.
The safest bet is a dog kidney disease diet that has a moderate level of protein (not too high and not too low).
However, it is important that you feed high-quality protein to your dog.
Meat is always a great place to start, whether raw (safe) or cooked/prepared meat for your homemade kidney diet for dogs.
Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, but egg yolks are also very high in phosphorus, so it is best to stick to egg whites and limit egg yolks.
The amount of fat you should feed your dog will depend on his weight and activity level.
If he is overweight or inactive, stick to moderate fat intake.
If he is in good shape and really active, you can increase his fat intake because fat is a healthy source of energy (but high in calories) and is low in phosphorus.
Keep in mind that increasing fat, especially containing sources of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to help with kidney disease in dogs.
Too much fat can be bad for some pets, especially for their digestive system.
An increased amount of fat may cause diarrhea or mucus in stools.
Dogs with a predisposition to pancreatitis cant handle a lot of fat in their dog kidney disease diet.
If you want to increase your dogs fat intake, you need to do it gradually and carefully, hopefully, as your vet monitors your pet's health.
Carbohydrates are not nutritionally necessary for dogs as they get their energy from fat and protein, but for dogs with kidney disease, you must include carbs.
Research shows that vets recommend a dog kidney disease diet with up to 50% of carbs.
They're a good source of calories for dogs with CKD because most foods are low in phosphorous.
These foods will include vegetables and fruits, as well as appropriate grains.
Phosphorus and Calcium
As discussed above, studies show how a low-phosphorus diet had positive results in slowing down the progression of kidney disease in dogs.
Foods high in phosphorous include dairy products, bones, fish with bones, egg yolks, and organ meat (among others).
When structuring a dog kidney disease diet, these foods should be highly limited or avoided completely, depending on the stage of the kidney disease.
You also need to keep track of the phosphorous in the grains and vegetables that you give your dog.
While most carb sources will generally contain low to none of it, some foods still may be a source of phosphorus minerals.
It is best to stick to 10 mg per pound of bodyweight phosphorous in your dogs daily diet.
Calcium is very important because it acts as a phosphorus binder.
Lack of calcium in the dog's diet will often lead to an excess of phosphorus minerals in the body, which then can cause problems with the kidneys.
You can simply add half a teaspoon of ground eggshell per pound of food in each meal or use calcium supplements or other calcium-heavy foods.
Dont use bones as a source of calcium because they are high in phosphorus.
SIMILAR:Guidelines and Diet for Dogs with Struvite Crystals
Structuring Dog Kidney Disease Diet
Even though dogs with kidney disease can eat almost anything in moderation (with a few adjustments discussed above), some foods are better than others for your dog (Yabuki et al. 2010).
You can use the above-mentioned guidelines to understand better how to make your own homemade kidney diet for dogs.
But here are some foods specifically that you should probably include and others to avoid altogether.
Foods to Include
There are many foods you can include in a dog kidney disease diet, but here are some ideas to get you started.
Include fatty meats like lamb, pork, or beef.
You can also include dark meat turkey or chicken since they contain more fat than white meat and dont avoid the skin as well.
Chicken has the highest amount of phosphorus of all these meats, so be careful with it.
Dairy products can be included, but they must be given in moderation.
Use cottage cheese or ricotta cheese, and go for the low-salt option.
Yogurt is also good, especially if your dog also has digestive problems.
Yogurt has good bacteria, which can help regulate his digestion, but probiotic supplements will have a much higher concentration of bacteria.
Include cabbage in your dogs diet because it can be good for ulcers, which are a common occurrence in dogs with kidney disease.
Include other vegetables like asparagus, beet, broccoli, pumpkin, squash, celery, carrots, and other vegetables that contain fiber.
Fruits like apples, mango, peach, pineapple, and pear are also good for your dog.
Cranberries are good for dogs that often develop urinary tract infections, and they can also be good for their kidneys.
Bananas are high in potassium, which is good for your dogs water balance.
In this instance, white rice is better than brown rice because it is lower in phosphorous.
Most other grains should be avoided or extremely limited because of their phosphorus levels.
Pasta, especially if you add a bit of butter to make it tastier for your dog, is a great choice for a dog kidney disease diet-friendly meal with low-phosphorus calories.
Fish oil is great for your dogs kidneys because it contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
Fish itself is also a great source of omega-3, but you should avoid fish with bones since bones are high in phosphorous.
Avoid fish liver oil as well. Coconut oil can also be good for your dog.
Dog treats are fine in moderation.
Make sure they are NOT a regular part of your dogs diet, and carefully pick those that are friendly for your structured dog kidney disease diet; choose healthy dog treats with beneficial ingredients.
Natural treats are good choices, too rice cakes, for example, are a great option you can give to your dog because they are low in phosphorous.
Other options
Adding a bit of alfalfa or kelp can also be good, but you should do it once or twice a week only because alfalfa can act as a diuretic, and kelp contains sodium.
Green tripe is an excellent addition to your dogs diet because it is really low in phosphorous, and dogs usually enjoy it.
It can even help anorexic dogs develop an appetite.
Foods to Avoid
Sodium (salt) is dangerous for dogs with kidney disease, and many vets recommend a low-sodium diet and generally carefully monitor your pet's salt intake.
However, removing salt from the dog's diet is also harmful to your Fido.
I would recommend a diet with a medium sodium intake, around 3.2 grams of sodium per 1,000 calories, which has been supported by studies mentioned in the above references.
Remember that reducing sodium should be done gradually, or it can cause dehydration or even a renal crisis.
Avoid vegetable oils because they are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can be inflammatory and are generally not a good source of fat for dogs.
The same goes for fish liver oils, especially cod liver oil.
If your dogs diet is based on raw and meaty bones, you should consider lowering the amount of bone fed.
If your dogs kidney disease progresses, you should completely eliminate bones from his diet.
Bones are really high in phosphorous and other minerals, and that can be hard on a dog's kidneys.
ALSO READ:How to Feed Dogs With Renal Disease and Kidney Problems
Best Dog Kidney Disease Diet
When planning a diet for a dog with kidney disease, you can choose between homemade meals (see below), commercial dog foods, or a combination of both.
Discuss with your veterinarian what would be an appropriate option in your pet's case.
Some of the best dog food for kidney disease brands currently are:
Homemade Dog Kidney Disease Diet
Commercial dog food brands are an easier option, and most vets agree that it's the safest way to structure a dog's kidney disease diet because you don't need to do any guesswork.
However, if you'd rather cook for your pooch, then you can do that as well.
Whether you choose to feed your dog raw meat or cooked meat, making a homemade meal for him means that you know exactly what he eats and how much of everything he consumes.
I'll include my personal favorite dog kidney disease diet recipe below, but you can also take a look at these four recipes from Samantha (they have videos with instructions):
Ground Beef with Rice Recipe
This homemade kidney diet for dogs recipe is full of good protein sources and low in phosphorous, which makes it great for dogs with kidney disease.
- 2 pounds lean ground beef
- 12-15 egg whites
- 1 pound of green beans
- 2 cups of rice
- 2 of acorn squash
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1/2 cup of fresh parsley
- 1 apple
- Pinch of fresh ground pepper
The first thing to do is to cook rice. Put it in boiling water and let it simmer for 15 minutes.
While the rice cooks, you can wash and chop the parsley.
When the rice is done, just add parsley to it and mix.
Cut the squash in half and get rid of the seeds.
Then, cut it into strips and peel the skin off.
Cut the squash into small cubes and put it in a pot with water. A medium pot filled to half is best.
Let the water boil, and then let the squash simmer for 20 minutes. Steam the green beans.
Fry the ground beef in a frying pan for 10 minutes and season it with ground pepper.
Let the meat cool off, and dont drain the fat.
When all ingredients cool off and become warm, put the squash, meat, and green beans in a blender or food processor and puree the mixture until it becomes smooth. Add the puree to the rice mixture. In the same pan where you fried the beef, melt the coconut oil, and then add the egg whites and scramble them for around 4 minutes.
Add the egg whites to the other ingredients and stir them in.
Let it cool off a bit, and serve it to your pooch.
Dog Kidney Disease Diet: Key Takeaways
- You can prepare a diet for a dog with kidney illness that combinescommercial dog food and homemade meals.
- If the main component of your dog's diet is raw, meaty bones, you might want to reduce the quantity you feed him.
- For your homemade kidney diet for dogs, meatwhether raw (safe) or cooked/preparedis always a fantastic place to start.
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