dog kidney failure bloated stomach
In fact, together, the two kidneys filter around 200 litres of fluid everyday, and around one-and-a-half litres of urine is released everyday.
The kidneys collect waste products, such as urea and creatinine, and return vitamins, amino acids, glucose and hormones into the bloodstream.
When the kidneys aren't functioning properly, harmful toxins and excess fluids build up in the body.
Chronic kidney disease
The NHS attested that chronic kidney disease is commonly associated with ageing, which can be diagnoses by a blood or urine test.
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Causes and Symptoms of Bloat in Dogs
What is Bloat?
In a simple bloat situation, a pet has often ingested a large volume of food or other material (such as dog food, bread dough, foreign material, etc), or has a stomach full of air. When this happens, it causes the stomach to stretch like a balloon and can become very uncomfortable for the pet. Although this is quite uncomfortable, its not typically a life-threatening condition at this stage. However, due to the stomach enlarging, it can twist on itself inside the abdomen which cuts off the blood supply to numerous organs. When this happens, it is then called gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV). Because of the loss of oxygen to numerous organs and the damage that is done when the stomach enlarges and twists, this condition is often fatal and requires immediate medical attention.
What breeds are at risk for bloat?
Many people with pets have heard of the dreaded bloat in dogs. Bloat most commonly affects large breeds like Great Danes, German Shepherds, Mastiffs, and other deep-chested dogs. However, any dog can become bloated.
Top Causes of Bloat in Dogs
1. Intestinal Parasites
Have you ever heard someone refer to a puppys appearance as having a wormy belly? Thats because many intestinal parasites cause a bloated appearance to the abdomen of young puppies. These parasites commonly include hookworms and roundworms and are often found by vets on a fecal screening test.
Some symptoms you may encounter are round long worms in the stool or vomiting worms up. You may also notice a poor haircoat, pale gums, or diarrhea (with or without blood). Generally, intestinal parasites are a treatable condition with proper deworming and can be corrected easily if diagnosed early.
2. Dietary Indiscretion and Overeating
Did your puppy get into a large bag of dog food? Did they swallow a ridiculous amount of dirt or ingest your toddlers Play-Doh? Dogs really do eat some weird things. And if eaten in large enough volume, can cause a significant and very uncomfortable distention of the stomach.
In most cases, the food will be digested (sometimes very slowly). Your puppy may still need supportive care, including hospitalization and IV fluids. In more serious cases, especially in the case of swallowing things like stuffing from a dog bed, or mulch in the yard, surgery may be needed to remove the foreign material.
Other possible causes of an enlarged stomach may include decreased gastrointestinal motility (slow intestinal movement), or even constipation. Your vet will need to examine your dog to determine if additional testing, like blood work or x-rays, are needed to uncover the cause of her bloated stomach.
3. Abdominal Fluid
Another reason why a dogs abdomen will swell up is ascites, also known as abdominal effusion. This is described as the accumulation of fluid inside the abdominal cavity. Depending on the volume, the dogs abdomen can increase in size mildly or to the extent where they start to look pot-bellied.
Although less common than the first two causes, fluid in the abdomen can certainly lead to a distended or bloated appearance. This can be from a variety of problems including heart failure, low body protein (sometimes due to problems with the liver or kidneys), cancer, and even bleeding from other organs. Free abdominal fluid occurs more commonly in older dogs and is often associated with more severe disease.
Treatment options depend on the underlying cause. Identifying the type of fluid as well as making sure the dog is stable is the first step in diagnosing most underlying conditions.
4. Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)
Known as The mother of all emergencies in veterinary medicine, GDV is an extremely dangerous condition in which the stomach fills with air, and then twists on itself inside the abdomen. This leads to a distended appearance of the dogs torso and is often accompanied by a distressed appearance, heavy breathing, and attempts to vomit. In some cases, the stomach is filled with air but hasnt twisted yet (Gastric Dilatation) and imaging is required for further evaluation (like x-rays).
Read more about GDV, here!
5. Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease)
Hyperadrenocorticism, also known as Cushings disease is commonly triggered by hormone-producing tumors in the adrenal glands or pituitary glands. This results in a wide range of clinical signs which can be tricky to detect. Dog's with Cushing's disease typically have a pot-bellied appearance due to weakened abdominal muscles that result from the body's overproduction of cortisol.
What should I do if my dog's stomach looks bloated?
Due to the wide variation in conditions causing a bloated stomach appearance, its recommended that medical care be sought early. Your vet will perform an exam and discuss further tests or treatments based on their findings. Early intervention can be lifesaving, and your pet will thank you for it!
Contact your vet or take your dog to an emergency clinic if she is showing any of these signs:
- Distended, hard abdomen
- Sudden onset of frequent vomiting, gagging, or retching (nonproductive vomiting)
- Drooling excessively (hypersalivation)
- Signs of distress including heavy panting, pacing, or inability to rest
- Weakness, decreased ability to walk or stand
- Pale or purple gums
Read more:
Why does my pet need an abdominal ultrasound?
Why does my pet need x-rays?
Why does my pet need a complete blood count?
Need to speak with a veterinarian regarding bloating in your dog or another condition?
Click here to schedule a video consult to speak to one of our vets. You can also download the FirstVet app from the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores.
Does Kidney Failure Cause Bloated Stomach Dogs
Fluid retention may occur if urine production is less than IV fluid input. This may manifest itself as increased body weight, belly bloating, swollen legs, or shortness of breath if fluid builds up in the lungs.
What are the symptoms of end stage kidney failure in dogs?
By the time a dog experiences renal failure, the disease has advanced and you may notice such signs as: Blood in urine. Lethargy. Pale gums. Ulcers in the mouth. Intestinal seizures. Significant weight loss. Drunken behavior or uncoordinated movement such as stumbling. Significant decrease in appetite.
Can kidney problems cause stomach bloating?
Reduced kidney function can lead to bowel problems such as constipation and diarrhoea. This can cause stomach discomfort including pain, bloating, gas and nausea.
What happens when a dogs kidneys start to fail?
When a dogs kidneys fail, toxins such as ammonia and nitrogen can build up in their bodies. This, in turn, can cause nausea, vomiting, and/or a decreased appetite. This condition is known as uremia, and it is directly related to kidney failure. Other symptoms of uremia.
Are dogs in pain with kidney failure?
The good news is that early-stage chronic kidney disease can be treated at home. For a lot of dogs, kidney disease might be more uncomfortable rather than painful for the rest of their lives.
What are the signs of a dogs organs shutting down?
Symptoms include balance loss, vomiting, depression and appetite loss. These symptoms are quite obvious. Chronic kidney failure usually occurs in older dogs, with more subtle signs. These include increased drinking and urination, a chemical smell to the breath, appetite and weight loss, and blood in the urine.
What are the signs of dying from kidney failure?
What are the signs of end-of-life kidney failure? Water retention/swelling of legs and feet. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Confusion. Shortness of breath. Insomnia and sleep issues. Itchiness, cramps, and muscle twitches. Passing very little or no urine. Drowsiness and fatigue.
What are the 5 stages of kidney failure?
Doctors have staged the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from stage 1 to stage 5 in the increasing order of its severity.What Are the 5 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease? Stages of CKD GFR in mL/min Status of kidney function Stage 2 60-89 A mild decline in kidney function Stage 3 30-59 A moderate decline in kidney function.
Is bloating a serious problem?
Most of the time, its perfectly normal and no cause for concern. On rare occasions, it could be an indication of a more serious problem. Unless your bloating is accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and weight loss, its probably nothing to worry about.
What causes a dogs belly to swell?
The bloat occurs due to gas being trapped in the stomach area and thus begins to expand painfully, restricting blood flow and preventing digestion. There is no agreed-upon single cause for GDV. Even so, it is generally thought to be caused by swallowing excessive air and heavy exercise after a large meal.
How quickly does kidney disease progress in dogs?
Median survival time for IRIS Stage 1 dogs was over 400 days, Stage 2 ranged from 200 to 400 days, Stage 3 ranged from 110 to 200 days, and Stage 4 ranged from 14 to 80 days. Successful treatment of CKD delays disease progression, likely provides greater survival times, and increases patient quality of life.
How Long Can dogs live with kidney failure?
The age of onset is often related to the size of the dog. For most small dogs, the early signs of kidney failure occur at about ten to fourteen years of age. However, large dogs have a shorter life span and may undergo kidney failure as early as seven years of age.
How do you know if your dog has a swollen kidney?
However, some of the more common symptoms seen in dogs with renomegaly include: Lethargy. Vomiting. Diarrhea. Oral ulcers. Dehydration. Weight loss. Loss of appetite (anorexia) Discolored urine.
Do dogs know they are dying?
She says its tough to know how much a dog understands or is feeling near the end of their life, but some behaviors might be more apparent. Many dogs appear to be more clingy or attached, following you around consistently and remaining close, Bergeland says.
How do you rehydrate a dog with kidney failure?
Monitoring and encouraging water consumption. In addition to making sure they always have lots of fresh water available, you can encourage your pet to increase their water intake by: Adding canned food to their diet. Providing a pet water fountain. Placing clean bowls with fresh water in several rooms around your home.
What are 5 physical signs of impending death?
What Are 5 Physical Signs of Impending Death? Loss of appetite. Energy needs decrease as the body shuts down. Increased weakness. Labored breathing. Changes in urination. Swelling in extremities.
How do I know if my senior dog is suffering?
difficulty or easing into a sitting or lying position. limping/lameness. lying down while eating or drinking. reluctance or inability to jump up onto furniture, a bed, or into a car.
How do you know when a dog is suffering?
If your dog is in pain they may: Show signs of agitation. Cry out, yelp or growl. Be sensitive to touch or resent normal handling. Become grumpy and snap at you. Be quiet, less active, or hide. Limp or be reluctant to walk. Become depressed and stop eating. Have rapid, shallow breathing and an increased heart rate.
Is dying of kidney failure painful?
Is death from kidney failure painful? Not usually. If you do feel any discomfort, pain medication may be prescribed for you. Without treatment for kidney failure, toxins, and fluid will build up in your body, making you feel increasingly tired, nauseous and itchy.
What does kidney failure smell like?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one possible cause of having an ammonia taste in your mouth, sometimes called ammonia breath. Some people describe ammonia breath as having a metallic taste, while others have reported that it smells similar to urine.
What causes dog kidney failure?
Causes of Acute Kidney Failure Acute kidney problems are most frequently attributed to your dog ingesting a toxin. It may be a chemical like antifreeze, household cleaners, or bad food. Problems also occur due to a urinary obstruction in your pets body.